“”I would like to express my deep appreciation for the technical team’s exceptional efforts. Their hard work, expertise, and dedication have been invaluable in achieving success and overcoming challenges. Thank you Pragmatic team for your outstanding contributions I would like to take this opportunity to thank a lot Pragmatic team for their exceptional hard work and result. Very close to end this project , which will be , for sure , the start of others. Also I would like to thank the team for their support, management skills and exceptional proactivity!””
Mohammed Bourebgua
In Odoo, on the partner form, you will see two smart buttons, one is Map and another is Route. When user types customer name, system will auto suggest the partner name and address. Please see the below screenshot.
When user clicks on Map smart button, it will open the map with pinpoint. Please see below screenshot which show the partner/customer location on google map.
When user clicks on Route smart button, system will open google map with logged in user location and customer location. Please see below screenshot.
This module provides facility for see the map and route on sales order form and delivery order form.
Pinpoint your geolocation data in Odoo using Google Maps
This module brings four new features: