Odoo Hotel Management

Microsoft Office 365 All in One Bundle

The bundle offers Microsoft apps to be integrated with Odoo such as Microsoft Teams Office 365 Virtual Meetings and Project Task Office 365 Calendar Integrations,Odoo Onedrive Integration.


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Microsoft Teams Office 365 Virtual Meetings app adds the feature of creating an Odoo meeting with Microsoft Teams Office 365 Meetings as a mode of meeting in Odoo Calendar. This app also adds the feature of joining Online Microsoft Teams Meetings directly from Odoo. A meeting in Odoo will automatically be linked into Microsoft Teams. A convenient way to work with virtual teams.

This app adds the feature of synchronizing Odoo tasks with Microsoft office 365 Calendar Events. This app also adds the capability of synchronization of create,update,delete of the Odoo Project tasks with Microsoft office 365 calendar events directly from odoo.

Microsoft Office 365 All in One Bundle Features

Multi Company and Multi User Support

Bundle package of Microsoft Teams Office 365 and Project Task Office 365

Convenient and simple to use

Microsoft Team Meeting Links in Odoo

Calendar Invitation on email

Redirection to Meeting in Microsoft Teams Office365

Task Creation in Odoo

Task getting synced into Microsoft Office 365 Calendar

After Task creation, Mail notification goes to Attendees

One Drive Synchronization

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