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Odoo Vtiger integration

Pragmatic has developed Odoo module which makes connection between Vtiger and Odoo. This interface will sync data from Odoo to Vtiger and creates Contacts, Organizations, Products, Sale Orders and Invoices in the Vtiger system.


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Pragmatic has developed Odoo module which makes connection between Vtiger and Odoo. This interface will sync data from Odoo to Vtiger and creates Contacts, Organizations, Products, Sale Orders and Invoices in the Vtiger system.

Vtiger integration with Odoo Features

Sync data from Odoo to Vtiger

Creation of Organizations

Sale Orders

Creation of Contacts

Creation of Products


After installation of this connector, user needs to configure the settings for it. Please refer below screenshot for more details.

Path: Settings → Companies → Companies → VTiger Configuration.

Following details will require to make connection:

  1. Access Key → User will get Access Key from the Vtiger Application.
  2. VTiger Server URL → User need to provide URL of Vtiger Application server.
  3. User Name → Username of Vtiger application from which data has to be sync.
  4. Default Assigned User → While creating record in Vtiger, user need to provide default user from it. So here we are fetching the users from Vtiger using Test Connection button.

Syncing of Sales Order

When User are creating sales order, at the time of sales order confirmation, system will sync the order in Vtiger and will create sales order and following:

  1. Will create Contact if not available
  2. Will create Organization if not available
  3. Will create Products if not available

And when we click on confirm order button, this order will be synched with Vtiger and will create the record.

Shipping Details

This is the shipping address details information from the sales order.

Product Details

This is the product information of the sales order.

Contact Form

Whenever sales order gets created from the Odoo, it contact is not available in Vtiger then it creates the new one.

Organization Form

We are also creating organization/company from the Odoo if it is not available in Vtiger application.

Product Form

When sales order gets create it check if the product is available in the Vtiger application. If it’s not available then system create new one.

Odoo Invoice Payment

Whenever user will pay the invoice in Odoo, system will create an invoice in Vtiger application.


Once an invoice get paid in Odoo system, connector creates new invoice in Vtiger with associated sales order reference.

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