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Odoo Zoom Meetings Connector Integration

This app adds the feature of creating a Odoo meeting with Zoom Meetings as a mode of meeting in Odoo Calendar. This app also adds the feature of joining Zoom Meetings directly from Odoo.


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This app adds the feature of creating an Odoo meeting with Zoom Meetings as a mode of meeting in Odoo Calendar. This app also adds the feature of joining Zoom Meetings directly from Odoo. Odoo Zoom Meeting Integration allows us to seamlessly schedule meetings in Zoom with Odoo. A meeting in Odoo will automatically be linked into Zoom. A convenient way to work with virtual teams. Now you do not need to separately sign in to Zoom Meetings. Everything happens through Odoo. It is completely secure. You can work with free and paid accounts of Zoom.

How It Works

  1. Create an account in Zoom if you don’t have one.
  2. Get the client id and key details from Zoom.
  3. Configure the company Zoom Account Details inside Odoo.
  4. Create a meeting in the Odoo Calendar.
  5. Add attendees to the meeting.
  6. Generate the Zoom Meeting by selecting Time zone, time and date.
  7. Save the meeting.
  8. The meeting shows up along with Zoom meetings link in the Odoo calendar of attendees.
  9. Connect to Zoom Meetings directly from Odoo.
  10. Odoo users can receive the Zoom Meet invitation link by email for any (attendees)contacts in their Odoo database through email.
  11. You will be automatically redirected to the Zoom Meetings page.

Odoo Zoom Meetings Connector Features

Any Odoo User can create Meetings

Fully Automated way to schedule meetings

Zoom Meeting can be password protected

Multi Company and Multi-User Support

Works with free and Paid Zoom Meetings accounts

Seamless integration between Odoo and Zoom

Fully SSL secured meetings

Select your Timezone

Works with Enterprise and Community Edition

Backed by our 3 months bugs free support

Zoom and Company Configuration

Navigate to Settings —> Users & Companies —> Companies One time authentication for individual users to access Zoom meet. When a user has no authentication done for Zoom then it will take from company level Configuration.

Company Configuration

Navigate to Settings —> Companies
Here are the Steps to get Client ID and Client Secret key from Zoom

  1. Go to the link:
  2. Create an App in Zoom
  3. Fetch the Client ID and Client Secret of the App

Zoom Meeting Details in Odoo after creation

Meeting creation in Zoom

Meeting in Zoom after creation

Configuring Zoom Meeting Password

This option will allow Odoo users to connect to Zoom Meeting only if password is provided.

Zoom Meeting with Password Configured

Meetings can be set in selected timezones

Meeting after selecting the Timezone in Zoom

Zoom Meetings link inside Odoo

Calendar View of Odoo Meetings

Receive the Zoom Meet join invitation link by email

Click on Join Zoom Meetings button to join the online Meeting

Redirection to Zoom Meetings link

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