Odoo Hotel Management

Whatsapp Odoo All in one Integration

Whatsapp is an immensely popular chatting app used by 1.5 Billion people worldwide. It has an easy interface and can be used powerfully with Odoo.


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Odoo WhatsApp Central All-In-One is a comprehensive app suite developed by Pragmatic that helps you manage your entire business functions inside Whatsapp Messenger. There are powerful modules integrated into a single Odoo Whatsapp module package that automates core business functions, viz., marketing, payments, sales support, live chat, eCommerce shopping, product catalog, and customer service. It is primarily a multi-functional Odoo WhatsApp Integration that is essentially an excellent way

Postmates Odoo Integration Features

Link Messages with POS

Enable WhatsApp Messages for Sales Orders, Purchase Orders, Delivery Orders, and Invoices

Robust, Reliable, and Server-based

Payment Reminder Messages

Odoo Website Sign-up Notification

One Account Per Company

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