Elevated user experience now within a few clicks. Gift coupons are commonly used in retail industry. Gift coupons can be issued to customers against cash so that it can be redeemed against purchases. Gift cards have become increasingly popular as they relieve the donor of selecting a specific gift.
Odoo Gift Coupon
Generate Gift Coupon number on the fly
You need not to add predefined Gift Coupons in Odoo. Gift coupons can be issued to customers from the regular POS terminal. It maintains a record of each of the gift coupon sold from the terminal.
Unique barcode for each of the Gift Card sold
Mulitiple Gift Coupons can be sold. It maintains unique barcode no. for each of the records. Barcode no. are stored in backend for maintaining its current status.
Validations on genuineness of Gift Coupon
Being automated unique no. barcodes generated, system keep track of each of the gift coupon issued. System has enough validations to avoid repeat use of same coupon and expired coupons.
Redemption of gift cards against next purchase
Option to use multiple payment methods for payment is still open. Balance amount can be paid using multiple payment methods as cash, cheque, Credit Card etd.
One view issued, redeemed, expired gift coupons
Odoo maintains single screen to view issued, redeemed and expired gift coupons.