Odoo Hotel Management

Odoo Beauty Clinic Management

The Beauty clinic module is very useful for admin and doctors to manage the patient details, appointments, face marks, body marks,

treatment notes, utilized materials, generate prescriptions, invoicing and insurance management.


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Beauty Clinic Management

The Beauty clinic module is very useful for admin and doctors to manage the patient details, appointments, face marks, body marks, treatment notes, utilized materials, generate prescriptions, invoicing and insurance management.

Features in Appointment Calendar

The most simplified way to create appointments from a calendar view.

Showcased all the doctors listed in the calendar based on the timeslot configuration.

Restrict to create appointments other than timeslots.

Create an invoice from the appointment calendar.

Manage the invoice status.

Manage all the doctors, timeslots and specialities.

Restrict to Create and Edit appointments. appointments other than timeslots.

Create and Edit Treatment notes.

Register the payments from the appointment calendar.

Open Face and Body marks.

Features in Patients form

Manage the patients information

Able to unblock the patients.

System not allowed to enter same phone numbers for multiple patients.

Able to block the patients with reasons. If the patient is blocked then the name is not listed in the appointments.

Features in Patients form

Display the bright face image.

Mark the affected areas using mouse cursors.

Edit and change the marking areas.

Delete complete markings.

Features in Patients form

Display the body images.

Mark the affected areas using mouse cursors.

Edit and change the marking areas.

Delete complete markings.

Body marking Functionality

Display the body images.

Mark the affected areas using mouse cursors.

Add the list of utilized materials for the treatments.

Delete complete markings.

Manage the Materials and Treatment Notes

Display the body images.

Mark the affected areas using mouse cursors.

Prescription Management

Able to connect prescriptions with appointments.

Create invoice from prescription.

Add medicines and print the prescription.

Application design

Calendar View

Appointment Creation screen

Appointment Detailed Screen

Edit Appointments

Create invoice Form in Appointment Screen

Admin/Doctor Notes Form

Face Chart Designs

Body chart Designs

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