Odoo Hotel Management

Odoo Veterinary Medical Module

We Provide Health-care Management Pragmatic has launched another new and advanced Product in the field of Health-care Management.


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Veterinary Medical Management

We Provide Health-care Management

With Odoo 9 Veterinary Medical Management, Pragmatic has launched another new and advanced Product in the field of Health-care Management. This Product comes with many features like Pet information Management, Appointment Management, Laboratory Management, ICU Management, Invoices Management (Invoice in Pet Owners name), Pediatrics Management, Stock Management.

Features of Veterinary Medical Management

We Provide Health-care Management

5) Physicians:-

A) Basic Configuration Forms :

1) Laboratory

2) Diseases:-

3) Medical Procedures:-

4) Health Centers:-

6) Medicaments:

7) Genetics:-

B) Appointments:-

C) Inpatient Registration:-

D) Intensive Care:-

E) Patients:-

F) Nursing :

1) Roundings

2) Patient Ambulatory Care

G) Pediatrics:

H) Laboratory:

I) Invoices

J) Reports

Pre-configured Veterinary Diseases

System has 117 pre-configured list of Veterinary diseases and user can create more. User can maintain extra information like nature of diseases, causes behind same and primary care to be taken into consideration against the diseases. Diseases history can be maintained for the patients.

Pre-configured Lab Test

System has 17 pre-configured lab test and user can create many more. In lab test request we can select appropriate test to be performed on the patient and that can be invoiceable.

Pre-configured X-Ray Test Type

System has 16 pre-configured list of dental X-ray test type and user can create more as per need. X-ray type type are used to manage X-ray results in the system in details.

Patient details can be maintained

Patients details can be maintained along with pet-owner details, pet type, breed, Insurances, Diseases, Socio-Economic conditions, Lab Tests.

Patient Family details can be maintained

System allows maintaining family details of the patient. Patient belonging to one pet owner can be list out.

Appointments with Prescriptions can be maintained

Appointments can be maintained with prescription and Pediatric Symptoms checklist if applicable. System can generate invoice if record is Invoice exempted.

Lab Request can be maintained

All lab request can be maintained for the patients. Lab request can be invoiced. Lab result can be maintained and report can be print for the same.

X-Ray Can be maintained

System has facility to maintain all x-ray request against any patient. System can create more than one X-ray request at a time. Once processed X-ray results can be stored in system as an attachment. System is able to store its results as per date and time of X-ray request.

Patient Hospitalization

Records of the patients admitted in the hospitals can be maintained. In this, information like Diet and Nutrition of the patient, care plan etc are added as well. ICU details can also be maintain for the same.

New Born details can be maintained

New Born Record can be created in which details like Neonatal Signs and Symptoms , Neonatal Reflex check etc can be recorded.

Patient Billing

System provides an option to do Patient Billing against Scheduled Appointment, Prescriptions and Lab Tests. Maintaining patient billing is simple and easy.

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